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Common Community Helpers and their Duties

Who are Community Helpers ?

  • Community helpers are the individuals who live and work in our community and ensure that the community stays healthy, safe and happy. 

  • These community helpers do everything they can to help us and make our lives easier by providing us with goods and services.

  • Examples of Community helpers are Doctor, Teacher, Policeman, Cook, Gardener etc.

List of Community Helpers with their Duties for Kids

1) Cook / Chef : A cook prepares our meals every day.

  • Chefs cook food in hotels, restaurants, and community kitchens.
  • They also make delicious food for occasions like marriages, birthday parties, get-togethers, etc.
  • They learn about different cooking techniques, create new recipes, arrange food menus and prepare mouth-watering dishes for us.

2) Tailor : A tailor sews our clothes.

Community Helpers
Community Helpers List 1

3) Policeman : Policeman enforces laws, investigate crimes, and maintain order.

  • The key responsibility of the police is to protect law and order of a particular locality.
  • They prevent crimes by catching the offenders and ensuring people are safe.
  • They also respond to any emergencies and provide appropriate support services.

4) Shepherd : He takes care of the sheep.

5) Gardener : A gardener takes care of our gardens.

  • The main job of a gardener is to look after different plants of a garden.
  • They water the plants, apply fertilizers and pesticides, and monitor their growth and development.
  • They clean weeds, collect and dispose of litter and keep the garden clean.
  • They mow lawns and maintain flower beds by trimming the shrubs and bushes.

 6)Carpenter : A carpenter makes doors, windows, tables and chairs.

Community Helpers List 2
Community Helpers List 2

7) Nurse : She looks after sick people especially under the guidance of a doctor. 

  • The role of a nurse is to assist doctors.
  • Nurses work at hospitals and healthcare facilities.
  • They take care of the patients, communicate with doctors, give medicine, and check vital signs from time to time.
  • They are an essential part of the healthcare workforce.

8) Waiter : He waits at the tables in a restaurant, or café to take orders for meals and delivers it.

  • Waiters work at hotels and restaurants.
  • They welcome guests, show food menus and explain different courses of dishes like appetizers, main courses, desserts, and drinks.
  • They take orders from the guests and convey them to the kitchen.
  • They also help guests by serving food and drinks on the table and taking feedback about the service.
  • Waiters clear the tables by removing the plates, glasses, and spoons once the customers finish their food.

 9) Cobbler : He mends shoes.

10) Porter : He carries luggage and other loads, especially in a railway station, airport, hotel, or market. 

11) Potter : He makes dishes, plates, and other objects from clay, usually by hand on a special wheel.

12) Doctor :

  • Doctors are trained medical professionals who have the license to treat patients.
  • They diagnose the disease and provide medicines to the patients.
  • They treat people in hospitals and private clinics
13)Farmer : He grows crops. 
  • Farmers raise plants and livestock.
  • They sow seeds, water them, apply fertilisers, and harvest them.
  • They operate the farming equipment and take care of them.
  • They operate the farming equipment and take care of them.
  • They sell food grains and other agricultural and animal products to customers, stores, or other farmers.

14) Postman : He delivers letters.

  • Postman are also known as Mail Carriers
  • Mail carriers deliver letters, documents, and parcels to different places.
  • They travel via planned routes.
  • They collect outgoing mail and sometimes money for postage due.
  • They sort the mails as per their delivery dates.

 15) Firefighter : He extinguishes fires.

  • Firefighters or firemen work at fire stations.
  • Their main job is to put out fires and rescue people from the affected zone.
  • They use fire trucks to reach the site of the incident.
  • Fire trucks carry equipment like water tanks, hose pipes, ladders, ropes, and first aid.

16) Barber : He shaves, trim, or style hair and beards.

Community Helpers List 3
Community Helpers List 3

17) Teacher : She teaches in a school or college.

  • Teachers are also called the ‘nation builders’.
  • Teachers teach various subjects at schools, colleges, and multiple institutions.
  • The teacher must explain the subjects properly to the students by using various teaching methods and techniques.
  • Apart from providing subjective knowledge, they also help in a child's overall growth and development.
 18) Fishermen: Fishermen catches fish
  • Fishermen catch fish to support their living.
  • They sell their catch to the fish sellers to earn money.
  • They use boats, fishing nets, and other equipment to catch fish in rivers, lakes, oceans, and seas.
19) Mechanic: Mechanic repairs vehicles 
  • A mechanic can repair different parts of vehicles, machines, and trucks.
  • They inspect how machines and engines operate and fix problems.
  • They carry various equipment and machinery used for the repair work.
20) Plumber :
  • A plumber looks after the plumbing installation of a building.
  • They also do all the repair works.
  • Plumbers install different plumbing fixtures like faucets, taps, showerheads, bathtubs, pipes, and tubes.
  21) Garbage Collector :
  • They collect garbage bags from the trash bins of a locality and put them in the dumping zone.
  • After collecting the garbage, they segregate the bio-degradable and non-biodegradable wastes separately.
  • They send all bio-degradable waste for recycling and dump the rest of the trash at the dumping zone.
 22) Electricians
  • Electricians install electronic equipment and fix electrical problems.
  • They test and maintain wiring and lights at homes and buildings.
  • Electricians also work at the construction sites along with architects to plan the electric wiring of the entire building.
  • They carry kits with various equipment for doing the repair work.
 23) Mason :
  • Masons work at construction sites.
  • They construct houses and buildings using bricks, concrete blocks, and stones.
  • They use sand, cement, and water as binding agents.
  • They build walls, roofs, and floors using concrete blocks and bricks.

New Words:

License: A permit from an authority to do something.

Postage: It is the price of sending a parcel or a letter to someone.

Fertilizers: Chemicals that are added to the soil to boost the growth and development of plants.

Livestock: Farm animals like cows, sheep, goats, buffaloes, etc.

Appetizer: A small plate of food eaten before the main course of a meal to increase one's hunger.

Did You Know?

During the COVID-19 crisis, all community helpers, especially doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and ambulance drivers, worked extremely hard to take care of people suffering from this disease.

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