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Verbs - is, am, are, has, have, do and does

Being Verbs (‘is’, ‘am’, and ‘are’)

Read the following sentences:

I am a doctor.

He is a teacher.

They are policemen.

We are here.

You are kind.

‘Am’, ‘is’ and ‘are’ in the above sentences give information about the subject. They are called ‘be’ verbs or ‘being’ verbs.

‘Am’ is used with ‘I’

‘is’ used with singular nouns and pronouns.

‘Are’ is used with plurals nouns and pronouns.

Note: ‘Are’ is used with ‘you’ in both singular and plural form.

Some more examples:

I am a lawyer.

They are busy.

He is a mechanic.

We are sleeping.

Am I late?

Having Verbs (‘Has’ and ‘Have’)

Read the following sentences:

I have a car.

You have a nice car.

Ravi has big car.

She has a red car.

They have a car.

Has’ or ‘have’ are verbs that tell us what people possess. They are called having verbs.

‘Has’ is used with singular nouns and pronouns. Example: he, she, Ravi, Ria etc.

‘Have’ is used plural nouns and pronouns. Example: you, we, they, girls etc. ‘Have’ is also used with pronouns I and you.

Some more examples:

We have a meeting tomorrow.

He has a new haircut.

I have a pet dog.

We have a picture book.

My doll has curly hair.


Read the following sentences

I have a lot to do today.

Do you remember her?

We do not want to play.

They do their work on time.

Do we have any food left?

‘Do’ is used with plural nouns and the pronouns I, we, you and they.
Read the following sentences

She does not waste her time.

Maya does not speak English well.

Does your sister play badminton?

He does his homework every day.
‘Does’ is used with singular nouns and the pronouns he, she, and it.

Practice Exercise

QA) Fill in the blanks with ‘am’, ‘is’ or ‘are’.

1. I ________ British.

2. He ________ lonely.

3. We ________ waiting.

4. ________ he your brother?

5. ________ we going?

6. I ________ 10 years old.

7. They ________ from India.

8. She ________ my cousin sister.

9. Ravi ________ very excited.

10. There ________ three trees.

11. Amit and his friends ________ playing football.

12. The windows ________ closed.

13. I ________ reading a book.

14. Only one glass ________ on the table.

15. She ________ working in the garden.


QB) Mark the right word.

1. She is/are ten years old.

2. Diya is/are my friend.

3. We is/are at school.

4. He is/are tall but you is/are taller.

5. We is/are not very late.

6. My best friend is/are coming to my house.

7. The test is/are hard.

8. I am/is tired.

9. My father is/are a doctor.

10. It is/are sunny outside.

11. There is/are flowers in the garden.

12. She am/is very pretty.

13. I is/am a student of Grade 2.

14. You is/are nice.

15. She is/am on the swing.

QC) Fill in the blanks with ‘has’ or ‘have’.

1. She _________ a great personality.

2. He _________ passed his exam.

3. Ravi _________ a sports car.

4. Do you _________ a brother?

5. The boy _________ a ball.

6. You _________ a nice voice.

7. Ravi _________ a new bag.

8. My brother _________ a red car.

9. You _________ a pretty dress.

10. Roshan _________ bought a new watch.

11. My brother and I _________ a toy train.

12. I _________ a baby sister.

13. Raman _________ a bike.

14. The monkey _________ a long tail.

15. The book _________ a nice cover.

QD) Fill in the blanks with ‘has’ or ‘have’.

1. I __________ a big pencil.

2. Diya __________ a blue pen.

3. My aunt __________ two daughters.

4. They __________ a big house in the city.

5. An elephant __________ a trunk.

6. Birds __________ wings and feathers.

7. She __________ won many awards.

8. I __________ to go to the shop.

9. My brother __________ a black shirt.

10. My sister __________ a lot of friends.

11. We __________ lot of money.

12. They __________ a big house.

13. Ravi __________ many toys.

14. She __________ long, black hair.

15. I __________ two brothers.


QE) Fill in the blanks with ‘do’ or ‘does’.

1. My mother ________ cooking.

2. He ________ not look happy today.

3. I always ________ my homework myself.

4. ________ he like Indian food?

5. ________ you know where he lives?

6. Ria ________ not like vegetables.

7. Radha ________ not know the answer.

8. We ________ the house work together.

9. What ________ he do?

10. Alice ________ not study here.

11. I ________ not know her name.

12. ________ you write with a pencil?

13. She ________ not have a job.

14. ________ you know the answer?

15. Where ________ Jimmy live?

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