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What is Nonagon?

Nonagon is a 9 sided polygon.
Nonagon is one of the types of polygonal shapes. It is also called Enneagon. The polygon sides are always straight and it is said to be a two dimensional shape.

A Nonagon has

  • 9 sides
  • 9 angles
  • 9 vertices

Properties of regular nonagon

  • The interior angle of the regular polygon is 140 degree. If we find the interior angle by using the given formula, the formula is (180n – 360n)/n. (Here the value of n = 9).
  • Exterior Angle is 40°. To find the exterior angle of a regular decagon, we use the fact that the exterior angle forms a linear pair with the interior angle, so in general it is given by the formula 180-interior angle.
  • The number of diagonals in nonagon is 27
  • Number of triangles in the nonagon is 7.
  • Perimeter of the nonagon = 9a, where “a” is side length of nonagon.

Regular Nonagons

  • A regular polygon is a polygon with equal sides and equal angles.
  • Regular nonagon is a nine-sided shape with equal sides and equal angles of 140 degrees each.

Irregular Nonagons

  • An irregular polygon is a polygon with unequal sides and angles.
  • An irregular nonagon is a nine-sided shape that does not have equal sides or angles.

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